Stany splątane i dynamika otwartych układów kwantowych
- E.O. Kiktenko, A.O. Malyshev, A.S. Mastiukova, V.I. Man’ko, A.K. Fedorov, and D. Chruściński: Probability representation of quantum dynamics using pseudostochastic maps, Phys. Rev. A 101, 052320 (2020).
- Joonwoo Bae, Dariusz Chruściński & Beatrix C. Hiesmayr: Mirrored entanglement witnesses,
npj Quantum Information 6, 15 (2020). - Gniewomir Sarbicki, Giovanni Scala, Dariusz Chruściński: A family of multipartite separability criteria based on correlation tensor, Phys. Rev. A 101, 012341 (2020).
- Alberto Riccardi, Dariusz Chruściński, and Chiara Macchiavello: Optimal entanglement witnesses from limited local measurements, Phys. Rev. A 101, 062319 (2020).
- Katarzyna Siudzińska, Dariusz Chruściński: Quantum evolution with a large number of negative decoherence rates, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 375305 (2020)., arXiv:2006.02793 [quant-ph]
- Dariusz Chruściński, Takashi Matsuoka: Quantum conditional probability and measurement induced disturbance of a quantum channel, Rep. Math. Phys. 86, 115 (2020).
- Katarzyna Siudzińska: Geometry of generalized Pauli channels, Phys. Rev. A. 101, 062323 (2020)., arXiv:2002.04657v2 [quant-ph], 2020.
- Katarzyna Siudzińska: Generalization of Pauli channels through mutually unbiased measurements, Phys. Rev. A. 102 , 032603 (2020)., arXiv:2003.12570 [quant-ph]
- W. Jaskólski, G. Sarbicki: Topologically protected gap states and resonances in gated trilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B. 102, 035424-1 (2020)., arXiv:2005.11473 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Gniewomir Sarbicki, Giovanni Scala, Dariusz Chruściński, Enhanced realignment criterion vs. linear entanglement witnesses, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 455302 (2020).
- Sagnik Chakraborty, Dariusz Chruściński, Gniewomir Sarbicki, Frederik vom Ende: On the Alberti-Uhlmann Condition for Unital Channels, Quantum 4, 360 (2020).
- Katarzyna Siudzińska: Classical capacity of the generalized Pauli channels, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53, 445301 (2020)., arXiv:1908.03917 [quant-ph]
- Dariusz Chruściński, Farrukh Mukhamedov: On Kadison-Schwarz Approximation to Positive Maps, Open Sys. Inf. Dyn. vol 27-3, 2050016 (2020). (DOI to be supplied)
- Katarzyna Siudzińska: Geometry of symmetric and non-invertible Pauli channels, Phys. Rev. A 102, 062615 (2020). arXiv:2010.01128 [quant-ph],
- K. Siudzińska, Markovian semigroup from mixing noninvertible dynamical maps, Phys. Rev. A 103, 022605 (2021).
- D. Chruściński, R. Fujii, G. Kimura, H. Ohno, Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups, Linear Alg. Appl. 63 (2021), 293.
- U. Chakraborty, D. Chruściński, Construction of propagators for divisible dynamical maps, New J. Phys. 23 (2021), 013009.
- B. C. Hiesmayr, D. McNulty, S. Baek, S. Singha Roy, J. Bae, D. Chruściński, Detecting entanglement can be more effective with inequivalent mutually unbiased bases, New J. Phys. 23 (2021), 093018.
- D. Chruściński, On the hybrid Davies like generator for quantum dissipation, Chaos 31 (2021), 023110. [Q1]
- W. Tarnowski, I. Yusipov, T. Laptyeva, S. Denisov, D. Chruściński, K. Życzkowski, Random generators of Markovian evolution: A quantum-classical transition by superdecoherence, Phys. Rev. E. 104 (2021), 034118. [Q1]
- D. Chruściński, G. Kimura, A. Kossakowski, Y. Shishido, Universal Constraint for Relaxation Rates for Quantum Dynamical Semigroup, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021), 050401.
- K. Siudzińska, S. Chakraborty, and D. Chruściński, Interpolating between Positive and Completely Positive Maps: A New Hierarchy of Entangled States, Entropy 23, 625 (2021).
- A. Das, A. Bera, S. Chakraborty, D. Chruściński, Thermodynamics and the quantum speed limit in the non-Markovian regime, Phys. Rev. A. 104 (2021), 042202.
- K. Siudzińska, A. Das, and A. Bera, Engineering classical capacity of generalized Pauli channels with admissible memory kernels, Entropy 23, 1382 (2021).
- K. Siudzińska and D. Chruściński, Entanglement witnesses from mutually unbiased measurements, Sci. Rep. 11, 22988 (2021).
- G. Sarbicki, G. Scala, D. Chruściński, Detection Power of Separability Criteria Based on a Correlation Tensor: A Case Study, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 28, 2150010 (2021).
- A. Dąbrowska, D. Chruściński, S. Chakraborty, G. Sarbicki, Eternally non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit interacting with a single-photon wavepacket, New J. Phys. 23, 123019 (2021).
- K. Siudzińska, Non-Markovianity criteria for mixtures of noninvertible Pauli dynamical maps, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 215201 (2022). [Q1]
- K. Siudzińska, All classes of symmetric measurements in finite dimensions, Phys. Rev. A 105, 042209 (2022).
- D. Chruściński, G. Kimura, H. Ohno, T. Singal, Bounding the Frobenius norm of a q-deformed commutator, Linear Algebra Appl. 646 (2022) 95–106,
- Anindita Bera, Filip A. Wudarski, Gniewomir Sarbicki, and Dariusz Chruściński, Class of Bell-diagonal entanglement witnesses in C4⊗C4: Optimization and the spanning property, Phys. Rev. A 105, 052401 (2022). - Sudipto Singha Roy, Anindita Bera, and Germán Sierra, Simulating violation of causality using a topological phase transition, Phys. Rev. A 105, 032432 (2022).
- D. Lonigro and D. Chruściński, Quantum regression in dephasing phenomena, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 225308 (2022). [Q1]
- D. Lonigro and D. Chruściński, Quantum regression beyond the Born-Markov approximation for generalized spin-boson models, Phys. Rev. A 105, 052435 (2022).
- K. Siudzińska, Indecomposability of entanglement witnesses constructed from symmetric measurements, Sci. Rep. 12, 10785 (2022),
- K. Siudzińska, Phase-covariant mixtures of non-unital qubit maps, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 405303 (2022), [Q1]
- D. Chruściński, K. Luoma, J. Piilo, A. Smirne, How to design quantum-jump trajectories via distinct master equation representations, Quantum 6, 835 (2022).
- D. Chruściński, G. Kimura, H. Ohno, T. Singal, One parameter generalization of the Böttcher-Wenzel inequality and its application to open quantum dynamics, Linear Algebra and its Applications 656, 158–166 (2022).
- F. Benatti, D. Chruściński, R. Floreanini, Local generation of entanglement with Redfield dynamics, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 29:1, 2250001 (2022).
- T. Matsuoka, D. Chruściński, Compound State, Its Conditionality and Quantum Mutual Information, [In:] Accardi, L., Mukhamedov, F., Al Rawashdeh, A. (eds.) Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Applications. ICQPRT 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 390. Springer, Cham, 2022.
- D. Chruściński, Dynamical maps beyond Markovian regime, Physics Reports 992, 1–85 (2022).
- D. Chruściński, The legacy of Andrzej Kossakowski, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 28:4, 2150015 (2022).
- Yujun Choi, Tanmay Singal, Young-Wook Cho, Sang-Wook Han, Kyunghwan Oh, Sung Moon, Yong-Su Kim, and Joonwoo Bae, Single-copy certification of two-qubit gates without entanglement, Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 044046 (2022), DOI:
- G. Sarbicki, M. Ghosh Dastidar, Detecting entanglement between modes of light, Phys. Rev. A 105, 062459 (2022).
- Joonwoo Bae, Anindita Bera, Dariusz Chruscinski, Beatrix C. Hiesmayr, and Daniel McNulty, How many measurements are needed to detect bound entangled states?, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, 505303 (December 2022),
- Sagnik Chakraborty, Arpan Das, Dariusz Chruściński, Strongly coupled quantum Otto cycle with single qubit bath, Phys. Rev. E 106, 064133, pp. 1-11 (2022),
- Chruściński Dariusz, Time inhomogeneous quantum dynamical maps, Scientific Reports 12:1, 21223, pp. 1-10 (2022),
- Davide Lonigro, Dariusz Chruściński, On the classicality of quantum dephasing processes, Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology 1, 1090022, pp.1-13 (2022),
- K. Siudzińska, Improving classical capacity of qubit dynamical maps through stationary state manipulation, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 235301 (2023) [Q1],
- K. Siudzińska and M. Studziński, Adjusting phase-covariant qubit channel performance with non-unitality, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 205301 (2023) [Q1],
- K. Siudzińska, Geometry of phase-covariant qubit channels, J. Phys. Commun. 7, 075002 (2023),, arXiv:2210.17448 [quant-ph] (2022).
- Madhura Ghosh Dastidar, Gniewomir Sarbicki, and Vidya Praveen Bhallamudi, Synchronized Bell protocol for detecting nonlocality between modes of light, Phys. Rev. A 108, 032410 (2023),
- Anindita Bera, Gniewomir Sarbicki, Dariusz Chruściński, A class of optimal positive maps in $M_n$, Linear Algebra and its Applications 668, 131-148 (2023),
- Dariusz Chruściński, Samaneh Hesabi, Davide Lonigro, On Markovianity and classicality in multilevel spin–boson models, Scientific Reports 13:1, 1518, pp. 1-16 (2023),
- Dariusz Chruściński, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Ohno (et al.), One-parameter generalization of the Böttcher-Wenzel inequality and its application to open quantum dynamics, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 656, pp. 158-166 (2023),
- Anindita Bera, Joonwoo Bae, Beatrix C. Hiesmayr, Dariusz Chruściński, On the structure of mirrored operators obtained from optimal entanglement witnesses, Scientific Reports 13:1, 10733, pp.1-15 (2023),
- W. Tarnowski, D. Chruściński, S. Denisov, and K. Życzkowski, Random Lindblad Operators Obeying Detailed Balance, Open Systems & Information Dynamics 30:2, 2350007 (2023),
- Davide Lonigro, Dariusz Chruściński, Excitation-damping quantum channels, J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. 56:25, 255301, pp. 1-22 (2023) [Q1],
- Samaneh Hesabi, Anindita Bera, and Dariusz Chruscinski, Memory effects displayed in the evolution of continuous variable system, Physics Letters A 478, 128894 (May 2023),
- Krzysztof Szczygielski, D-divisible quantum evolution families, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 485202 (2023) [Q1],
- K. Siudzińska, How much symmetry do symmetric measurements need for efficient operational applications? J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57, 355301 (2024).
- K. Siudzińska, Informationally overcomplete measurements from generalized equiangular tight frames, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57, 335302 (2024).
- K. Siudzińska, Non-Markovian quantum dynamics from symmetric measurements, Phys. Rev. A 110, 012440 (2024).
- Chruściński Dariusz, Bhattacharya Bihalan, A class of Schwarz qubit maps with diagonal unitary and orthogonal symmetries, J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. 57, 395202 (2024) [Q1], DOI:10.1088/1751-8121/ad75d6
- Chruściński Dariusz, Kimura Gen, Mukhamedov Farrukh, Universal constraint for relaxation rates of semigroups of qubit Schwarz maps, J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. 57, 185302 (2024) [Q1], DOI:10.1088/1751-8121/ad3c82
- Lonigro Davide, Sakuldee Fattah, Cywiński Łukasz, Chruściński Dariusz, Szańkowski Piotr, Double or nothing: a Kolmogorov extension theorem for multitime (bi)probabilities in quantum mechanics, Quantum 8, 1447-1475 (2024), DOI:10.22331/q-2024-08-27-1447
- Scala Giovanni, Bera Anindita, Sarbicki Gniewomir, Chruściński Dariusz, Optimality of generalized Choi maps in M3, J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. 57, 195301 (2024) [Q1], DOI:10.1088/1751-8121/ad3ca6
- Anindita Bera, Giovanni Scala, Gniewomir Sarbicki, Dariusz Chruściński, Generalizing Choi map in M3 beyond circulant scenario, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 72, 1-16 (2024), DOI:10.1080/03081087.2024.2326249
- Settimo Federico, Luoma Kimmo, Chruściński Dariusz, Vacchini Bassano, Smirne Andrea, Piilo Jyrki, Generalized-rate-operator quantum jumps via realization-dependent transformations, Phys. Rev. A 109, 062201 (2024), DOI:10.1103/physreva.109.062201
- A. Mayumi, G. Kimura, H. Ohno, D. Chruściński, Boettcher-Wenzel inequality for weighted Frobenius norms and its application to quantum physics, Lin. Alg. Appl. 700, 35 (2024),
- Abhay Srivastav, Vivek Pandey, Arun Pati, Effect of measurements on quantum speed limit, Europhysics Letters 146, 60001 (2024),
- F. Benatti, G. Nichele, D. Chruściński, Quantum vs. classical-divisibility, Phys. Rev. A 110, 052212 (2024),
- A. Rutkowski and K. Siudzińska, Controlling nonlocality of bipartite qubit states via quantum channels, Phys. Lett. A 536, 130313 (2025).
- K. Siudzińska and K. Szczygielski, Decomposable dynamics on matrix algebras, Phys. Lett. A 532, 130185 (2025).
Edited volumes
- D. Chruściński, M. Michalski, J. Jurkowski, “Andrzej Kossakowski Memorial Volume”, Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 28:4 and 29:1-4 (2022), 26 contributed papers, 570 pages.
- D. Chruściński, M. Michalski, J. Jurkowski, “Göran Lindblad Memorial Volume”, Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 30:2-3 (2023), 14 contributed papers, 386 pages.
- Vivek Pandey, Swapnil Bhowmick, Brij Mohan, Sohail, Ujjwal Sen, Fundamental speed limits on entanglement dynamics of bipartite quantum systems, arxiv:2303.07415 [quant-ph], accepted in Physical Review A
- Krzysztof Szczygielski, Dariusz Chruściński, Eventually entanglement breaking quantum dynamics and eventual EB-divisibility, arXiv:2407.16583 [math-ph], accepted in J. Phys. A
- A. Mayumi, G. Kimura, H. Ohno, and D. Chruściński, Uncertainty relations based on state-dependent norm of commutator, arXiv:2406.12280 [quant-ph], accepted in Physical Review A
- Dariusz Chruściński, Kimmo Luoma, Jyrki Piilo, Andrea Smirne, Open system dynamics and quantum jumps: Divisibility vs. dissipativity, arXiv:2009.11312 [quant-ph], 2020.
- Sudipto Singha Roy, Anindita Bera, Germán Sierra, No causal order and topological phases, arXiv:2105.09795 [quant-ph], 2021.
- T. Singal, M.-H. Hsiu, Approximate 3-designs and partial decomposition of the Clifford group representation using transvections, arXiv:2111.13678 [quant-ph], 2021-22
- A. Das, B. K. Agarwalla, and V. Mukherjee, Precision bound in periodically modulated continuous quantum thermal machines, arXiv: 2204.14005 (2022).
- T. Saha, A. Das, and S. Ghosh, Quantum homogenization in non-Markovian collisional model, arXiv: 2201.08412 [quant-ph] (2022).
- D. Chruściński, Time inhomogeneous quantum dynamical maps, arXiv:2210.02770 [] (2022)
- D. Chruściński, S. Hesabi, D. Lonigro, On Markovianity and classicality in multilevel spin-boson models, arXiv:2210.06199 [] (2022)
- D. Lonigro, D. Chruściński, Excitation-damping quantum channels, arXiv:2206.04623 [] (2022)
- Tanmay Singal, Che Chiang, Eugene Hsu, Eunsang Kim, Hsi-Sheng Goan and Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Counting stabiliser codes for arbitrary dimension, arXiv:2209.01449 [quant-ph] (2022)
- G.Sarbicki, M. Ghosh Dastidar, Generalization of the CHSH inequality for detecting entanglement between two-mode light states, submitted to: Phys. Rev. A, arXiv:2210.05341 [quant-ph]
- S. Chakraborty, A. Das and D. Chruściński, Strongly coupled quantum Otto cycle with single qubit bath, arXiv:2206.14751 [quant-ph] (2022).
- Anindita Bera, Gniewomir Sarbicki, and Dariusz Chruściński, Optimizing positive maps in the matrix algebra Mn, arXiv:2309.09621 [quant-ph] (2023)
- Jaemin Kim, Anindita Bera, Joonwoo Bae, and Dariusz Chruściński, Detecting Entanglement by State Preparation and a Fixed Measurement, arXiv:2303.16368 [quant-ph] (2023)
- Anindita Bera, Giovanni Scala, Gniewomir Sarbicki, and Dariusz Chruściński, Generalizing Choi map in beyond circulant scenario, arXiv:2212.03807 [quant-ph] (December 2022)
- Giovanni Scala, Anindita Bera, Gniewomir Sarbicki, Dariusz Chruściński, Optimality of generalized Choi maps in $M_3$,
- A. Rutkowski and K. Siudzińska, Controlling nonlocality of bipartite qubit states via quantum channels,
arXiv:2407.16035 [quant-ph] (2024), submitted to Phys. Lett. A.
- P. Szańkowski, D. Lonigro, F. Sakuldee, Ł. Cywiński, D. Chruściński, Phenomenological quantum mechanics: deducing the formalism from experimental observations, arXiv:2410.14410 [quant-ph].
- P. Muratore-Ginanneschi, G. Kimura, D. Chruściński, Universal bound on the relaxation rates for quantum Markovian dynamics, arXiv:2409.00436 [quant-ph].
- K. Szczygielski, D. Chruściński, Eventually entanglement breaking quantum dynamics and eventual EB-divisibility, arXiv:2407.16583 [quant-ph].
- Bihalan Bhattacharya, Uwe Franz, Saikat Patra and Ritabrata Sengupta, Infinite dimensional dynamical maps, arXiv: 2406.19176 [quant-ph].
- Abhay Srivastav, Vivek Pandey, Brij Mohan, Arun Pati, Family of Exact and Inexact Quantum Speed Limits for Completely Positive and Trace-Preserving Dynamics, arXiv:2406.08584 [quant-ph], June 2024, under review in Physical Review A.
- Sohail, Vivek Pandey, Uttam Singh, Siddhartha Das, Fundamental limitations on the recoverability of quantum processes, arxiv:2403.12947, under review in Annales Henri Poincaré.
- K. Siudzińska and K. Szczygielski, Decomposable dynamics on matrix algebras, arXiv:2411.01712 [quant-ph] (2024), submitted to Phys. Lett. A.
- K. Siudzińska, Entanglement witnesses and separability criteria based on generalized equiangular tight frames, arXiv:2411.07065 [quant-ph] (2024).