Excellence Initiative - Research University

University Centre of Excellence “Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence”

Contactul. Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń
e-mail: damsi@umk.pl

Quantum Entanglement and the Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems

Ongoing grants

  1. Quantum dynamical maps beyond the Markovian regime, MAESTRO: 2018/30/A/ST2/00837,  2019 – 2024  (2 836 400 PLN)
  2. Quantum maps and their application in quantum communication and information processing, SONATA 2021/43/D/ST2/00102, 2022-25 (512 400 PLN)

Completed grants

  1. Generalized Pauli channels in the evolution of open quantum systems, PRELUDIUM 16: 2018/31/N/ST2/00250,  2019 – 2020  (33 800 PLN)