Quantum Entanglement and the Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems
Seminars of the Department 2020/2021
- 13.04.21, 10:15 am, Dr. Anton Trushechkin (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow): Unified quantum dynamical semigroup of weak-coupling limit type (ZOOM link)
- 15.04.2021, 15:15, Prof. Dariusz Chruściński (Nicolaus Copernicus University): On the universal constraints for relaxation rates for quantum dynamical semigroup (ZOOM link), location: Quantum Information and Quantum Computing Working Group, Centre for Theoretical Physics, PAS.
- 20.04.21, 10:15 am, Prof. Jarosław Korbicz (Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences): Generic appearance of objective results in quantum measurements (ZOOM link)
- 27.04.21, 10:15 am, Prof. Jarosław Korbicz — a continuation of the 20.04.21 talk (ZOOM link)
- 12.10.21, 10:15 am, Dr Anita Dąbrowska (University of Gdańsk): Photon counting probabilities of the output field for a single-photon input
- 19.10.21, 10:15 am, Dr Davide Lonigro (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Bari): Hidden non-Markovianity in open quantum systems
- 26.10.21, 10:15 am, Dr Arpan Das (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Introduction to Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations (TUR)
- 9.11.21, 10:15 am, Dr Tanmay Singal (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Random positive operator-valued measures (ZOOM link)
- 16.11.21, 10:15 am, Dr Samaneh Hesabi (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Exploiting Gaussian steering to probe non-Markovianity due to the interaction with a structured environment (ZOOM link)
- 23.11.21, 10:15 am, Dr Katarzyna Siudzińska (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Geometry on the manifold of Gaussian quantum channels (ZOOM link)
- 30.11.21, 10:15 am, Dr Katarzyna Siudzińska (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): All classes of informationally complete symmetric measurements in finite dimensions (ZOOM link)
- 7.12.2021, 10:15 am, Dr Tanmay Singal (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Implementation of quantum measurements using classical resources and only a single ancillary qubit (ZOOM link)
- 14.12.2021, 10:15 am, Dr Tanmay Singal (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Approximate 3-designs and partial decomposition of the Clifford group representations using transvections (ZOOM link)
- 11.01.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Tanmay Singal (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Representations of the adjoint action of Clifford group on multiqubit systems: recent developments (ZOOM link)
- 18.01.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Anindita Bera (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): A class of Bell diagonal entanglement witnesses in C^4 ⊗ C^4 : optimization and the spanning property (ZOOM link)
- 25.01.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Sudipto Singha Roy (Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC, Madrid, Spain): Exotic correlation spread in free-fermionic states with initial patterns (ZOOM link)
- 1.02.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Sagnik Chakraborty (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): On thermalization of two-level quantum systems (ZOOM link)
- 22.02.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Tanmay Singay (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Structure of minimum error discrimination for linearly independent states [Ref.] (Zoom link)
- 1.03.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Tanmay Singay (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Bounding the Frobenius norm of a q-deformed commutator (Zoom link)
- 8.03.22, 10:15 am, Dr Arpan Das (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Quantum homogenization in non-Markovian collisional model (ZOOM link), arXiv: 2201.08412
- 15.03.22, 10:15 am, Dr Tomasz Piotrowski (Institute of Technical Sciences, NCU): Applications of nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theory
- 5.04.22, 10:15 am, Dr Madhura Ghosh Dastidar (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai): Entanglement Detection in Two-mode Light States (Zoom link)
- 12.04.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Anindita Bera (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): How many measurements are needed to detect bound entangled states? (Zoom link)
- 26.04.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Samaneh Hesabi (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Memory effects displayed in the evolution of continuous variable system (Zoom link)
- 17.05.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Piotr Szańkowski (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences): Different perspectives on the theory of open quantum systems (Zoom link)
- 31.05.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Davide Lonigro (University of Bari & INFN, Italy): Quantum regression in dephasing phenomena
- 2.06.2022, 12:30 pm, Prof. Dariusz Chruściński (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Quantum dynamics beyond the Schrödinger equation, “Thursday’s Physics Colloquium” of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics
- 7.06.22, 10:15 am, Dr Arpan Das (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Precision bound in periodically modulated continuous quantum thermal machines, [Ref.]
- 11.10.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Davide Lonigro (University of Bari & INFN, Italy): Excitation-damping quantum channels (based on: D. Lonigro and D. Chruściński, arXiv:2206.04623 [quant-ph])
- 18.10.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Fereshte Shanbeigi (Jagellonian University, Kraków): Quantumly (non)Markovian Classical Maps
- 15.11.2022, 10:15 am, Dr Piotr Szańkowski (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences): The origin of external fields in quantum mechanics
- 22.11.22, 10:15 am, Dr Katarzyna Siudzińska (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Phase-covariant mixtures of non-unital qubit maps
- 13.12.22, 10:15 am, Dr Michał Studziński (University of Gdańsk): Optimal universal quantum circuits for unitary complex conjugation
- 20.12.22, 10:15 am, Mateusz Skarupski (Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, NCU): Applications of hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 in cryptography
- 24.01.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Tanmay Singay (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Counting stabiliser codes for arbitrary dimension
- 31.01.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Anindita Bera (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): A class of optimal positive map in $M_n$
- 14.03.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Filip Wudarski ( ): Noise modeling in variational quantum algorithms
- 22.03.2023, 10:15 am (DAMSI seminar), Prof. Gniewomir Sarbicki (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Optimal detection of quantum entanglement
- 4.04.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Katarzyna Siudzińska (Dep. Mathematical Physics, NCU): Improving classical capacity of qubit dynamical maps through stationary state manipulation
- 16.05.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Sagnik Chakraborty (University of Warsaw): Strongly coupled quantum Otto cycle with single qubit bath
- 23.05.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Alexander V. Turbiner (ICN-UNAM, Mexico, and Stony Brook University, USA): Anharmonic oscillator: a solution
Seminars of the Department 2023/2024
- 10.10.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Giovanni Scala (University of Bari): New Entanglement Witness and Entangled States
- 19.10.2023, 12:30 pm, Dr Anindita Bera (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Optimality of the generalization of Choi map beyond circulant scenario
- 24.10.2023, 10:30 am, Dr Frederik vom Ende (Freie Universität Berlin): Dynamical Generators Beyond Complete Positivity
- 7.11.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Kimmo Luoma (University of Turku): Linear optical properties of organic microcavity polaritons with non-Markovian Quantum State Diffusion
- 7.11.2023, 11:15 am, Dr Andrea Smirne (University of Milan): Beyond quantum regression theorem: a nonperturbative characterization of multitime correlation functions
- 14.11.2023, 10:15 am, Dr Krzysztof Szczygielski (Nicolaus Copernicus University): D-divisible quantum evolution families
- 21.11.2023, 10:15 am, Prof. Katarzyna Siudzińska (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Optimality of entanglement witnesses constructed from projective measurements
- 12.03.2024, 10:15 am, Dr Bihalan Bhattacharya (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Entanglement detection harnessing Lindblad structure
- 26.03.2024, 10:15 am, Prof. Katarzyna Siudzińska (Nicolaus Copernicus University): How symmetric must symmetric measurements be for efficient operational applications?
- 16.04.2024, 10:15 am, Dr Dariusz Woźniak (AGH University of Cracow): Quantum phase-space formulation
- 23.04.2024, 10:15 am, Dr Giovanni Nichele (University of Trieste): Tensor products of dynamical maps and superactivation of backflow of information
- 4.06.2024, 10:15 am, Prof. Nichol Furey (Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin): An Algebraic Roadmap of Particle Theories
- 11.06.2024, 10:15 am, Dr Arpan Das (University of Warsaw): Universal time scalings of sensitivity in Markovian quantum metrology
- 26.06.2024, 12:15 pm, Prof. Sibasish Ghosh (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai): Quantum homogenization in Marovian and non-Markovian collisional models
Seminars of the Department 2024/2025
- 8.10.2024, 10:15 am, Dr Vivek Pandey (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Fundamental limitations on the recoverability of quantum processes I
- 15.10.2024, 10:15 am, Dr Vivek Pandey (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Fundamental limitations on the recoverability of quantum processes II
- 22.10.2024, 10:15 am, Prof. Kasia Siudzińska (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Informationally overcomplete measurements from generalized equiangular tight frames
- 5.11.2024, 10:15 am, Prof. Dariusz Chruściński (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Constraints for relaxation rates for open quantum systems
- 12.11.2024, 10:15 am, Dr Krzysztof Szczygielski (University of Gdańsk): Eventually entanglement breaking dynamical maps and eventual divisibility
- 3.12.2024, 10:15 am, Dr Bihalan Bhattacharya (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Schwarz qubit maps with diagonal unitary and orthogonal symmetries
- 10.12.2024, 10:15 am, Prof. Gniewomir Sarbicki (Nicolaus Copernicus University): Randomised measurements for entanglement detection and tomography
- 28.01.2025, 10:15 am, Dr Aaqib Ali (University of Bari): Interferometric Strategies for Minimizing Noise in Quantum Communication and Computation
Conferences organized in 2020/2021
- 14-17.06.21, The 52 Symposium on Mathematical Physics, “Channels, Maps, and All That”, an online meeting with over 180 participants and 48 speakers. The Symposium was dedicated to the memory of Professor Andrzej Kossakowski. All talks have been recorded and can be accessed via the Department’s YouTube channel.
Conferences organized in 2022
- 15.06.2022, The 53 Symposium on Mathematical Physics, an online meeting comprising 8 invited lectures, including the annual OSID and ROMP Editorial Boards meeting.
Conferences organized in 2023
- 8-11.06.2023, The 54 Symposium on Mathematical Physics, an in-person event with 46 invited lectures and poster session, Institute of Physics, N. Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp54/ including the annual OSID and ROMP Editorial Boards meeting.
Conferences organized in 2024
- 21-22.06.2024, The 55 Symposium on Mathematical Physics, an in-person event with 28 invited lectures and poster session, Institute of Physics, N. Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp55/ including the annual OSID and ROMP Editorial Boards meeting.