Excellence Initiative - Research University

University Centre of Excellence “Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence”

Contactul. Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń
e-mail: damsi@umk.pl

Quantum Entanglement and the Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems

Participation in conferences

Prof. Dariusz Chruściński

  1. Quantum Information and Computation: From Foundations to Applications (2021), invited talk: Universal constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (2021-10-18 – 2021-10-23)
  2. Virtual QBIC Workshop 2021, invited talk: Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups, Tokyo University of Science (2021-10-13 – 2021-10-15)
  3. Stochastic Dynamics of Quantum Mechanical Systems (2021), invited talk: Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups, University of Durban (2021-10-14 – 2021-10-15)
  4. Fall Workshop in Geometry and Physics (2021),  invited talk: Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups, Covilha (Portugalia) (2021-09-07 – 2021-09-10)
  5. 40+1 Anniversary of Center for Theoretical Physics PAN (2021) invited talk: Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups, PAN, Warszawa (2021-08-30 – 2021-09-03)
  6. Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis 2021,  talk: Random generators of Markovian evolution: A quantum-classical transition by superdecoherence, Moscow (2021-06-30 – 2021-07-09)
  7. 41th International Conference on Quantum Probability and Related Topics (2021), invited talk: Random generators of Markovian evolution: A quantum-classical transition by superdecoherence, Al Ain (United Arab Emirates) (2021-03-28 – 2021-04-01)
  8. 52 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (held online), opening talk: In Memory of Professor Andrzej Kossakowski, June 14 – June 17, 2021, NCU, Toruń, Poland

Dr Anindita Bera

  1. Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis 2021,  poster: No causal order and topological phases, Moscow (2021-06-30 – 2021-07-09)
  2. 41st International Conference on Quantum Probability & Related Topics, 28.03.-1.04.2021, United Arab Emirates University in Abu Dhabi
  3. 52 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (held online), June 14 – June 17, 2021, NCU, Toruń, Poland.
  4. Quantum  Information and  Computation: From Foundations to Applications (QFA) 2021 (held online),  from October 18 – 23, 2021, organized by IIT Jodhpur, India.

Dr Sagnik Chakraborty

  1. Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis 2021,  talk: On the Alberti-Uhlmann Condition for Unital Channels, Moscow (2021-06-30 – 2021-07-09)
  2. Quantum  Information and  Computation: From Foundations to Applications (QFA) 2021 (held online), talk: On the Alberti-Uhlmann Condition for Unital Channels, October 18 – 23, 2021, organized by IIT Jodhpur, India.
  3. 52 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (held online), June 14 – June 17, 2021, NCU, Toruń, Poland.

Dr Arpan Das

  1. Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-dimensional analysis (held online),  June 30 – July 9, 2021, talk: Thermodynamic quantities in quantum speed limit for non-Markovian dynamics, based on PRA 104, 042202 (2021), Moscow, Russia
  2. QTD2021 (held online), October 4 – 8, 2021, poster: Thermodynamics and the quantum speed limit in the non-Markovian regime, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  3. 52 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (held online), June 14 – June 17, 2021, NCU, Toruń, Poland.
  4. CoCoNUT (Coherent Control for Next generation quantum Technologies) 2021 (held online),  August 24 – 27, 2021,  National University of Ireland, SFI, IRC, and University College Dublin, Ireland.
  5. Quantum  Information and  Computation: From Foundations to Applications (QFA) 2021 (held online),  October 18 – 23, 2021, organized by IIT Jodhpur, India.

Dr Katarzyna Siudzińska

  1. QID2020(+1) Quantum Information Days, 22-24.02.2021, poster: Markovian semigroup from mixing non-invertible dynamical maps, CFT PAN, Warszawa
  2. 41st International Conference on Quantum Probability & Related Topics, 28.03.-1.04.2021, talk: Markovian semigroup from mixing non-invertible dynamical maps, United Arab Emirates University in Abu Dhabi
  3. International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, 30.06.-9.07.2021, talk: Interpolating between positive and completely positive maps: a new hierarchy of entangled states, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Dolgoprudny, Russia)
  4. 52 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (held online), June 14 – June 17, 2021, NCU, Toruń, Poland.


Participation in seminars & scientific visits

Prof. Dariusz Chruściński

  1. PAN, Warszawa (2021-04-15), Seminarium Centre for Theoretical Physics, invited talk: Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups
  2. University of Durban (2021-03-29), NITheP Colloquium, invited talk: Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups
  3. Alto University Helsinki (2021-04-28), Math-Phys seminars, invited talk: Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups
  4. Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (13-15.07.2021), visiting professor

Dr Anindita Bera

  1. Institute of Theoretical Physics UAM-CSIC (IFT), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (16.08.2021), invited talk: How many measurements are needed to detect bound entangled states?

Dr Miłosz Michalski

  1. 1st Annual Ingarden Session on Quantum Information (online), invited talk: The life and scientific legacy of Roman S. Ingarden, National Centre for Quantum Information KCIK, Gdańsk, 25.11.2020


Participation in conferences 2021/22

Prof. Dariusz Chruściński

  1. 13th KCIK ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, 26-28 May, 2022, Sopot, Poland, website
    https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/en/symposia/13th-symposium-kcik-ictqt-on-quantum-information/, talk: Constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups
  2. Quantum Information and Bio-Informatics QBIC Workshop 2022 (online), 12-14 October, 2022, Tokyo University of Science, Noda City, Japan, website https://www.rs.noda.tus.ac.jp/qbic/VQBICworkshop2022new.html, talk: Spectra of random channels and random Lindbladians
  3. 33th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications IWOTA 2022, 6-10 September, Kraków, Poland, website https://iwota2022.urk.edu.pl/, talk: On universal constraints for the spectra of generators of quantum dynamical semigroups
  4. 53 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (online), 15 June, 2022, Torun, Poland, website http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp53/

Dr Arpan Das

  1. Quantum Thermodynamics Conference QTD2022, June 27 – July 1, 2022, Queen’s University, Belfast,
    website: https://blogs.qub.ac.uk/qtd2022/, poster: Precision bound in periodically modulated continuous quantum thermal machines
  2. 13th KCIK ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, 26-28 May, 2022, Sopot, Poland, website
  3. International Conference on Quantum Information and Foundations, ICQIF-2022 14-24 February, 2022, Kolkata, India, website: https://www.isical.ac.in/~icqif/
  4. 53 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (online), 15 June, 2022, Torun, Poland, website http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp53/

Dr Tanmay Singal

  1. 13th KCIK-ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, 26-28 May, 2022, Sopot, Poland, website https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/en/symposia/13th-symposium-kcik-ictqt-on-quantum-information/
  2. International Conference on Quantum Information and Foundations ICQIF-2022, 14-24 February, 2022, Kolkata, India, website: https://www.isical.ac.in/~icqif/, talk: Approximate 3-designs and partial decomposition of the Clifford group representation using transvections
  3. 53 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (online), 15 June, 2022, Torun, Poland, website http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp53/

Dr Miłosz Michalski

  1. Informatics in Education IwE2022, 28-30 June, 2022, Torun, Poland, website https://iwe.mat.umk.pl/node/1,
    invited lecture: A brief history of quantum information science (in Polish)
  2. 53 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (online), 15 June, 2022, Torun, Poland, website http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp53/
  3. 13th KCIK-ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, 26-28 May, 2022, Sopot, Poland, website https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/en/symposia/13th-symposium-kcik-ictqt-on-quantum-information/

Dr Samaneh Hesabi

  1. 13th KCIK-ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, 26-28 May, 2022, Sopot, Poland, website https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/en/symposia/13th-symposium-kcik-ictqt-on-quantum-information/

Dr Anindita Bera

  1. International Conference on Quantum Information and Foundations, ICQIF-2022 14-24 February, 2022, Kolkata, India, website: https://www.isical.ac.in/~icqif/,  talk: A class of Bell diagonal entanglement witnesses in 4*4 system: optimization and the spanning property.
  2. Quantum Enabled Science and Technology (QuEST) (online), April 11-13, 2022, International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad, India, website: https://cqst.iiit.ac.in/quest/, talk: How many measurements are needed to detect bound entangled states?
  3. 13th KCIK-ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, 26-28 May, 2022, Sopot, Poland, website https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/en/symposia/13th-symposium-kcik-ictqt-on-quantum-information/
  4. 53 Symposium on Mathematical Physics (online), 15 June, 2022, Torun, Poland, website http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp53/


Participation in seminars & scientific visits 2021/22

Dr Anindita Bera

  1. Invited talk in IFTiA Online Seminar, 11th March, 2022, University of Gdańsk, Poland, title: A class of Bell diagonal entanglement witnesses in 4*4 system : optimization and the spanning property.
  2. Invited talk in Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento, 26th July, 2022, Italy, title: A class of Bell diagonal entanglement witnesses in 4*4 system : optimization and the spanning property.


Participation in conferences 2022/23

Prof. Dariusz Chruściński

  1. Near-term Quantum Computing 2023, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa, 22-24.03.2023, website https://nisq2023.cft.edu.pl/
  2. Mathematical Physics in Quantum Technology: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh, 22-26.05.2023, website https://www.icms.org.uk/workshops/2023/mathematical-physics-quantum-technology-finite-infinite-dimensions, overview talk: Quantum processes: divisibility, Markovianity and classicality
  3. 14th KCIK-ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, Sopot, Poland, 18-20.05.2023, website https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/symposia/14th-kcik-ictqt-symposium-on-quantum-information/
  4. Gdańsk Workshop on Mathematical Physics: Mathematical Structures in Quantum Mechanics, University of Gdańsk, Poland, 19-22.06.2023,  website https://gwmp.ug.edu.pl/,  talk: Universal constraints for relaxation rates
  5. Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Milan 3-7.06.2023,  website https://cewqo20.fisica.unimi.it/,  poster:  New classes of optimal
    entanglement witnesses
  6. Quantum Morocco 1, Rabat, Morocco, 18-22.09.2023, website https://quantummorocco.com/1edition/, talk: Relaxation rates for Markovian semigroups: classical vs. quantum
  7. The Hybrid QBIC workshop 2023, Tokyo, 11-13.10.2023, website https://www.rs.noda.tus.ac.jp/qbic/VQBICworkshop2023new.html, talk: Quantum regression in dephasing phenomena

Prof. Gniewomir Sarbicki

  1. Non-Markovianity in Open Quantum Systems (23w5083), Banff, Canada, 12-17.02.2023,  website https://www.birs.ca/events/2023/5-day-workshops/23w5083,   talk: Optimising Entanglement Witnesses
  2. 14th KCIK-ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, Sopot, Poland, 18-20.05.2023, website https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/symposia/14th-kcik-ictqt-symposium-on-quantum-information/,  talk: Optimising Entanglement Witnesses
  3. Gdańsk Workshop on Mathematical Physics: Mathematical Structures in Quantum Mechanics, University of Gdańsk, Poland, 19-22.06.2023,  website https://gwmp.ug.edu.pl/,  talk: Multipartite generalisation of realignment criterion
  4. Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Milan 3-7.06.2023,  website https://cewqo20.fisica.unimi.it/,  poster: Synchronized Bell protocol for detecting nonlocality between modes of light

Dr Anindita Bera

  1. The 54th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, 8-11.06.2023, Institute of Physics, NCU in Toruń, Poland, website http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp54/,   talk:  New classes of optimal entanglement witnesses
  2. Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Milan 3-7.06.2023,  website https://cewqo20.fisica.unimi.it/,  poster:  New classes of optimal
    entanglement witnesses
  3. Gdańsk Workshop on Mathematical Physics: Mathematical Structures in Quantum Mechanics, University of Gdańsk, Poland, 19-22.06.2023,  website https://gwmp.ug.edu.pl/,  talk: New classes of optimal entanglement witnesses
  4. 14th KCIK-ICTQT Symposium on Quantum Information, Sopot, Poland, 18-20.05.2023, website https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/symposia/14th-kcik-ictqt-symposium-on-quantum-information/
  5. Non-Markovianity in Open Quantum Systems (23w5083), Banff, Canada, 12-17.02.2023,  website https://www.birs.ca/events/2023/5-day-workshops/23w5083

Dr Katarzyna Siudzińska

  1. The 54th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, 8-11.06.2023, Institute of Physics, NCU in Toruń, Poland, website http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp54/,  poster: Enhancing qubit channel performance through stationary state manipulation


Participation in seminars & scientific visits 2022/23

Prof. Dariusz Chruściński

  1. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (30.01.2023), talk: Relaxation rates for Markovian semigroups
  2. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań 12.04.2023, talk: Quantum evolution beyond the Schroedinger equation
  3. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków 17.04.2023, talk: Quantum evolution beyond the Schroedinger equation
  4. ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 6.05.2023, talk: Divisible dynamical maps
  5. Oslo Metropolitan University (31.08.2023), talk: Quantum superchannels
  6. Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN, Warszawa, 4.10.2023, talk: Beyond Markovian semigroups

Dr Katarzyna Siudzińska

  1. Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki, Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki, Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk, Polska, 29.01.2023,  talk: Non-Markovianity criteria for mixtures of qubit dynamical maps

Dr Anindita Bera

  1. Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento, Trento, Italy, July 2023,  invited talk: How many mutually unbiased bases are needed to detect bound entangled states?


Participation in conferences 2023/24

Prof. Dariusz Chruściński

  1. 44th Conference: Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis [https://…/qpida44/home-page], Levico Terme, Italy, 12-17.05.2024, Invited talk: On relaxation rates of semigroups of qubit Schwarz maps
  2. The XXVIII International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries [http://isqs.eu/],  Prague, Czech Republic, 1-5 July 2024, Talk: On covariant Schwarz qubit maps
  3. Quantum Markov Semigroups and Channels: Special Classes and Applications [http://videoarxiv.org/workshop/2539], Oaxaca, Mexico 18-23.08.2024, Invited talk: Constraints for relaxation rates for open quantum systems (online)
  4. General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division (CMD) of the European Physical Society [https://cmd31.sci-meet.net],  Braga, Portugal 2-6.09.2024, Invited talk: Constraints for relaxation rates for open quantum systems

Prof. Katarzyna Siudzińska

  1. 55th Symposium on Mathematical Physics  [http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp55/], Toruń (Poland), June 21-22, 2024, poster: How much symmetry do symmetric measurements need for efficient operational applications?

Prof. Gniewomir Sarbicki

  1. XV KCIK-ICTQT Symposium  on Quantum Information [https://kcik.ug.edu.pl], Sopot, Poland, 16-18 May, 2024.
  2. 55th Symposium on Mathematical Physics  [http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp55/], Toruń (Poland), June 21-22, 2024.
  3. 28th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics [https://cewqo2024.cz/], Olomouc, Czech Republic July 1-5, 2024, poster: Analysis of noise impact on Bell experiment between modes of light


Dr Bihalan Bhattacharya

  1. XV Symposium KCIK-ICTQT on Quantum Information [https://kcik.ug.edu.pl], Sopot, Poland, 16-18 May 2024, poster: Schwarz qubit maps with diagonal unitary and orthogonal symmetries
  2. 55th Symposium on Mathematical Physics  [http://fizyka.umk.pl/smp/smp55/], Toruń (Poland), June 21-22, 2024, poster: Schwarz qubit maps with diagonal unitary and orthogonal symmetries
  3. Quantum Information Days [https://qid2024.cft.edu.pl/], 7-9 October, 2024, Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland, poster: Schwarz qubit maps with diagonal unitary and orthogonal symmetries


Participation in seminars & scientific visits  2023/24

Prof. Dariusz Chruściński

  1. IV R.S. Ingarden Memorial Session, KCIK-ICTQT, Sopot, Poland, 29.11.2023, opening lecture: “Roman S. Ingarden and his passion for physics”, https://kcik.ug.edu.pl/roman-ingarden-session-2/
  2. University of Trieste, 22.02.2024, talk: Quantum dynamics beyond the Schrödinger equation
  3. University of Warsaw, 24.09.2024, talk: Constraints for relaxation rates for open quantum systems

Dr Katarzyna Siudzińska

  1. Seminarium Instytutu Fizyki Teoretycznej i Astrofizyki, Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki, Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk, 15.12.2023, invited talk: Improving communication properties of quantum channels using noise
  2. Seminar: Quantum Chaos and Quantum Information, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, 4.03.2024, invited talk: Improving communication properties of qubit channels through stationary state manipulation