Dynamics and Ergodic Theory
Grants and projects:
National Science Center grant (Opus) UMO-2019/33/B/ST1/00364 “Ergodic Theory: Joinings, Effective Disjointness and Applications” , 2020-2022, 431 000 PLN
PI: prof. dr hab. Mariusz Lemańczyk
other members: mgr Aurelia Dymek, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Frączek, prof. dr hab. Oleksandr Gomilko, prof. dr hab. Stanisław Kasjan, dr hab. Joanna Kułaga-Przymus
Priority Research Team “Ergodic Theory and Analytic Number Theory”, “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme NCU grant, 2020-2022, 180 000 PLN
lider: prof. dr hab. Mariusz Lemańczyk
other members: dr Przemysław Berk, mgr Aurelia Dymek, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Frączek, prof. dr hab. Oleksandr Gomilko, prof. dr hab. Stanisław Kasjan, dr hab. Joanna Kułaga-Przymus
- National Science Center grant (Preludium), 2017/25/N/ST1/00531 “Nonlinear Schrödinger with sign-changing nonlinearities”, 2018-2020, 72 000 PLN
- PI: dr Bartosz Bieganowski
- P. Berk: the National Science Centre grant MINIATURA for the project “Ergodicity of skew products over IETs” 2022/06/X/ST1/01591, implementation period: 23.11.2022-22-11-2023, total amount: 38 500 PLN.
- D. Sell: the 24 month fellowship in the Walter-Benjamin-Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the project “Cut and project schemes, combinatorics and averaging properties for Toeplitz subshifts”, project number: 454053022, implementation period: 2021-2023.
National Science Center grant (Preludium) 2023/49/N/ST1/03435 “Isolated singularities of semilinear elliptic equations with Feller operators: a probabilistic approach” na okres 06.08.2024-05.08.2027 114 680 PLN
PI: Kamil Dunst
National Science Center grant (Opus) 2022/45/B/ST1/00179 “Translation flows on surfaces and their applications to problems in dynamical systems”, invastigation period: 16.01.2023-15.01.2026, 897 920 PLN
PI: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Frączek
grant Narodowego Centrum Nauki (Preludium BIS) 2023/50/O/ST1/00045 “Perturbation of locally Hamiltonian flows and generalized interval exchange transformations”, investigation period: 26.02.2024-30.09.2028, 491 050 PLN
PI: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Frączek
grant Narodowego Centrum Nauki (Opus) 2022/45/B/ST1/0109 “Schrödinger equations with integro-differential operators: a probabilistic approach”, investigation period: 27.01.2023-26.01.2026, 306 200 PLN
PI: prof. dr hab. Tomasz Klimsiak